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Sensitive Roles

We have worked with and looked after a number of individuals/professionals that were in specific situations, where personally managing an investment portfolio presented certain challenges:


Individuals/professionals that were in roles that required them to display a higher-than-normal degree of privacy and sensitivity around information that they had access to in their roles and how they could use this or potentially misuse it. Therefore, restrictions may have been placed upon them in regards to managing their own personal investments and/or buying and selling certain investments. 

Examples included senior bureaucrats in government organisations that oversaw listed companies and had access to privileged information, otherwise not available to the market place.  Personally/directly deciding to invest or not invest in investments where they had non-public information could have caused them enormous issues.

Solutions might include:


  1. Careful investment portfolio construction, tailored around your restrictions, and potential conflicts-of-interest.

  2. Managing those portfolios on your behalf, via our 'Managed Discretionary Account' service.


02 9837 0009

Level 12,
141 Walker Street,
North Sydney NSW 2060

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